
Cifra - S.L.U.G (Demo)

Rocket To Russia (1977)
Cifra por Aerson_@hotmail.com

A F#m D E (2x)

A F#m D E
Lying in bed one summer's night. 
Everything wasn't all right.
Something started crawling on me. 
S - L - U - G! A wa wa

I saw her walking in the woods last night.
And I new something wasn't right.
S-L-U-G no no no no.
Why'd she have to go oh oh oh

I saw her walking in the woods last night.
And I new something wasn't right
S-L-U-G no no no no.
Why'd she have to go oh oh oh

And I know that if
I had her back today
Yeah I know, I know, I know, I know...
Why is it always this way?

Lying in bed one summer's night. 
Everything wasn't all right.
Something started crawling on me. 
S - L - U - G! A wa wa

I saw her walking in the woods last night.
And I new something wasn't right
S-L-U-G no no no no.
Why'd she have to go oh oh oh

And I know that if
I had her back today
Yeah I know, I know, I know, I know...
Why is it always this way?

A      F#m       E E
 S-L-U-G   S-L-U-G      4x


Cifra - Go Home Ann (demo)

Animal Boy (1986)
Cifra por Aerson_@hotmail.com

Go home Ann :
G           :
Go home Ann : 2x
F           :
Go home Ann :
G           :
Ann go home :

C                   G
I had you in my bed last night
  F                        G
I did what I wanted to do, well all right
A                   G
Go home Ann, it's almost morning
  F                        G 
Go home Ann, it's almost dawn

A        C     G        
I never said I loved you
A        C     G    
Never said I cared
A        C     G    
This is not forever
A        C     G    
There's nothing in my heart

Go home Ann :
G           :
Go home Ann : 2x
F           :
Go home Ann :
G           :
Ann go home :

I tricked you, had my fun
You could have been anyone
Go home Ann, it's almost morning
Go home Ann, it's almost dawn

I never said I loved you
I never said I cared
This is not forever
There's nothing in my heart

Go home Ann
Go home Ann
Go home Ann
Ann go home


Cifra - Baby Doll

Standing In The Spotlight (1989) - Dee Dee Ramone
Cifra por Aerson_@hotmail.com
I'm a man in love,
with a pure heart
Someone above sent me
a work of art

     C#m         D
The happyness I fell
C#m         D
Is so very real

You smiled at me
And I sat down and cried
On that day
All the evil in me died

C#m                  D
I don't care what I used to do
 C#m                D
That wasn't really me
 D          E
How can I thank you

(coro 2x)
  A    F#m
Baby Doll
  A    D
Baby Doll
  A             E             D   E
I will always love you, Baby Doll

We walk down the aisle
And made a bond
The sculptor waved
His magic wand

       C#m            D
And created a work of art
 C#m             D
You and I never part

And now you're willing
to give me a child
On one condition
I stop run wild

     C#m                D
You taught me to stand tall
 C#m             D         E
You,     are,    my,  Baby Doll

(refrão 2x)
(ponte)  ( F#m )

F#m              E
     You are my Goddes
    F#m                   D
And God has blessed, the two of us

(solo) ( A  C#m  D   A  C#m D  C#m D  E )
(repete refrão por aproximadamente 1:35, até fade out)


Hey Ho, Let's Christmas!

E chega o ameaçador Dezembro no blog!!! Blog ta finalmente completando 6 meses! Os Ramones chegaam com tudo nessa edição de dezembro. Esperem grandes coisas que virão em homenagem nesse mês. Hey Ho, Let's Go!!!

Cifra - Mashed Potato Time

Standing In The Spotlight (1989) - Dee Dee Ramone
Cifra por Aerson_@hotmail.com

It's time to rock
It's time to rap
It's time for the
Mashed potato attack

It's the latest, it's the greatest
Mashed potato

Well, i drive a mercedes
I like to impress the ladies
And knock out the home-boys too
This ain't the twist or the bugaloo

The mashed potato is in the groove
It's gonna make your body move
Make you snap, crackle and pop
I'm the master of hip hop

Mashed potato
Mashed potato (Yeah-yeah-yeah)
It's the latest, it's the greatest
Mashed potato

I'm as cool as they come
You other rappers better run
I'm as strong as sly stallone
I take the beat home
I'm the man on top
I can rock and hip-hop
Other rappers gettin' sour
I'm the man of the hour

   Mashed potato...

(solo de Sax) [ G Em C D ]

No one can beat me at my game
I'm badder than def, Dee dee king is my name
The mashed potato on the radio
On boom boxes, whereveer you go

   Mashed potato...


Cifra - Born To Lose

Dee Dee Ramone (2000 i guess)
Cifra por Aerson_@hotmail.com

Well, that's just the way it goes
This city is so cold
And I'm ... I'm so-so
That's why I know (I say hey)

C#    F#
Born to lose
C#    F#
Born to lose
C#    F#
Born to lose
D     E        F#
Baby I was born to lose

Nothing to do
And nothing to say
Only one thing that I know
It's the only way ... I said hit it!

C#        F#
Born to lose (I say hey)
C#        F#
Born to lose (I say hey)
C#        F#
Born to lose
D     E       F#
Baby I was born to lose
D     E       F#
Baby I was born to lose

Living in a jungle
It ain't so hard
But living in the city
It'll eat out ... eat out your heart (I said hey)

C#        F#
Born to lose (I say hey)
C#        F#
Born to lose (I say hey)
C#        F#
Born to lose
D       E      F#
Baby I was born to lose
D       E      F#
Baby I was born to lose
D      E       F#
Baby I was born to lose
D      E       F#
Baby I was born to…

SOLO em F#

C#     F#
Born to lose
C#     F#
Born to lose
C#     F#
Born to lose
D      E     F#
Baby I'm born too lose
D      E     F#
Baby I’m born to lose

C#    F#
Born to lose
C#    F#
Born to lose
C#    F#
Born to lose

D       E       F#
Baby I'm born too lose
D       E       F#
Baby I'm born too lose
D       E       F#
Baby I'm born too lose
D       E       F#
Baby I'm born too lose


O cara da Vez!

Chegou o mês que os visitantes do Ramones News tanto esperavam: Novembro. Depois da época de votação para se Dee Dee ou Johnny representariam Novembro, Dee Dee ganhou com uma vitória não muito ameaçadora para Johnny. Agora é a vez dele, que vai passar esse mês conosco nos observando a cada paso que damos por aqui, na comunidade do blog, e na Ramones Brasil. 
Dêem uma passadinha no Wikipedia e vejam em Dee Dee Ramone, essa semana dei uma (super) ampliada no artigo que tinha lá, que por sinal era (exageradamente) curto para representar a grandeza que é o Dee Dee. Se vocês procurarem por Ramones lá no Wiki também vão ver alguns detalhes e informações (extremamente) valiosos postados por Maurício Knevitz, concerteza ele vai ampliar o conhecimento de muitos fãs e até pessoas que estão conhecendo a banda com seus textos assustadoramente bem elaborados e bem pesquisados.Gente, minha mensagem é essa, não sejam preguiçosos, LEIAM BASTANTE!!! 

Quando vocês tiverem o livro do Dee Dee, ninguém vai lê-lo para vocês, então leiam bastante para ficarem bem informados principalmente sobre o Dee Dee! "Amém Dee Dee, seu maluco, engraçado e imprevisível".


O herói da vez!

Abrindo o título "O Homenageado do mês", Joey Ramone chegou com tudo. O mês de Outubro vai ser um especial a Joey, nosso bom e querido romantico do século XX. Está nos planos do blog, os próximos meses (Outubro, Novembro e Dezembro) serem dedicados aos (mas sempre nos nossos corações). Está aberta a temporada do Joey, na Comunidade Ramones Brasil, onde há sempre boas e novas discursões e sempre tem algo novo a aprender.

Richie Ramone quer justiça!


(clique na imagem para ampliá-la à sua qualidade original)

O mais habilidoso e menos valorizado (depois do Elvis Ramone, claro!) baterista do Ramones, Richard Reinhardt (Richie Ramone), entrou dia 21/09/2007 (ontem) com uma ação contra as companhias americanas Wal-Mart, Apple e Real Network, que estariam vendendo seis músicas suas na internet sem pagar os devidos direitos autorais.

Richie se uniu ao Ramones em 1983, depois que o grupo demitiu Marky Ramone (graças ao Johnny), e ficou quatro anos na banda (quatro ótimos anos). Ele pediu num tribunal de Nova York US$ 900 mil de indenização pela violação de direitos autorais.

O ex-baterista do Ramones alega no processo que sua gravadora autorizou ilegalmente a comercialização em formato digital de seis músicas suas compostas para o grupo entre 1983 e 1995, as quais estariam à venda nos sites da Wal-Mart, da Apple e da Real Network.

O músico diz ser o autor das canções "Smash you", "Somebody put something in my drink", "Human kind", "I'm not Jesus", "I know better now" e "(You) can't say anything nice".

A ação diz ainda que ele nunca autorizou o uso ou a distribuição dessas músicas em formato digital.


Ramones Museum fechou suas portas!

Inaugurado em Berlim em 2005, está fechando suas portas. O proprietário do imóvel, por motivos (por enquanto) desconhecidos, anunciou que não o quer (o museu) mais lá.Florian Hayler, representante do museu, revelou que não deseja encerrar o museu e que gostaria muito de achar um novo local para hospedá-lo (têm vagas na minha cidade!), porém, até o momento não há para onde ir (aqui têm bastantes lugares, eu juro!). O Ramones Museum possui mais de 300 itens de 1975 até 1996, como raríssimas fotografias, pôsters autografados, setlists de shows, inúmeras camisetas originais de turnês, etc.


Morre Hilly Kristal, fundador do CBGB's

Hilly Kristal, fundador e proprietário do maior antro sagrado da história do punk rock mundial, o CBGB(Country, Bluegrass, Blues and Other Music For Uplifting Gourmandizers) faleceu na manhã de 28/08/2007. Ele tinha 75 anos, e sua morte ocorreu devido a sérias complicaç da doença que o acompanhava há alguns anos, o câncer de pulmão. Kristal comandou o lendário clube rock nova-iorquino durante o período de 1973 a 2006, ano em que o mesmo fechou suas portas e planejava mudar-se para Las Vegas. O CBGB revelou ao mundo nomes como Ramones, Patti Smith, Television, Blondie, Talking Heads, Agnostic Front e muitos outros.



Cifra - Emergency

Standing In The Spotlight (1989) - Dee Dee Ramone
Cifra por Aerson_@hotmail.com
Intro ( G  C D ) 3x

Hello this is Dee Dee
You must be a nut
What do you want?
Im gonna hang up

G                 D
Please sir Please just one minute
Em                C
Theres big trouble and youre in it
G                 D
Your wifes at the Ritz with another guy
Em                C
Shes been drinking we think shes pretty high
G                 D
Were all scared to death and we dont know what to do
Em                C
We thought we better get ahold of you


G       D  B -> C
           G       D
Calling Mr Dee Dee
Pick up your phone

G       D  B -> C
           G       D
Calling Mr Dee Dee
You know youre home
Pick up your phone

Shes always in trouble, cant take anymore
Put on my coat and Im out the door
Lit up a cigarette and hailed a cab
I was soaking wet and boiling mad
She never gives me no damned respect
Ive been good to her if Im not correct
Bought her a fur coat and a pink cadillac
Introduced her to my friends and she stabs me in the back

G       D  B -> C
           G       D
Calling Mr Dee Dee
Pick up your phone

G       D  B -> C
           G       D
Calling Mr Dee Dee
You know youre home
Pick up your phone

Now listen baby doll - youve been busted
I should have known that you cant be trusted
That aint your uncle and that aint soda pop
Im just about to blow my top
But Ill forgive you, you know I will
Get your coat while I pay the bill
Next time go shopping if you want a thrill
Now its time for you to chill

G       D  B -> C
           G       D
Calling Mr Dee Dee
Pick up your phone

G       D  B -> C
           G       D
Calling Mr Dee Dee
You know youre home
Pick up your phone


Entrevista com Dee Dee Ramone (1992)

Dee Dee Ramone deu uma entrevista a alguém por 8 minutos, falando sobre os Chinese Dragons, banda que participou em meados dos anos 90. A entrevista não tá em muito boa qualidade, mas é ótimo ficar ouvindo Dee Dee Ramone falar por oito minutos (O mais legal é ficar tentando traduzir ^^)

Download (4Shared)

Cifra - It's A Long Way Back

Road To Ruin (1978)
Cifra por Aerson_@hotmail.com

[ Eb D C Bb ] x4
[ Ab Bb ] x2

Ab Eb
You by the phone
You all alone
It's a long way back to Germany
It's a long way back to Germany

[ Eb D C Bb ] x4
Ab Eb
You by the phone
You all alone
It's a long way back to Germany
It's a long way back to Germany

[ Eb D C Bb ] x4

[ Ab Bb ] x4

[ Eb D C Bb ] x4

Ab Eb
You by the phone
You all alone
It's a long way back to Germany
It's a long way back to Germany

[ Eb D C Bb ] x4


Novo DVD - It's Alive 1974-1996

A Rhino Records lançará um novo DVD duplo ao vivo dos Ramones. O DVD chamado "It’s Alive: 1974-1996" chega às lojas dia 2 de Outubro. Serão quatro horas de material inédito, trabalho supervisionado por Tommy Ramone, com sets em ordem cronológica, com mais de 100 músicas ao vivo, incluindo ai filmagens do show de ano novo de 1977, o qual deu origem ao clássico cd ao vivo "It's Alive", lançado oficialmente em 1979.

Confira abaixo o track-list completo do DVD:

Disc 1

CBGB - New York, NY (9/15/74)
1. Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue
2. I Don't Wanna Go Down To The Basement
3. Judy Is A Punk

Max's Kansas City - New York, NY (4/18/76)
4. I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
5. 53rd & 3rd

The Club - Cambridge, MA (5/12/76)
6. Chain Saw

Max's Kansas City - New York, NY (10/8/76)
7. Havana Affair
8. Listen To My Heart

My Father's Place - Roslyn, NY (4/13/77)
9. I Remember You
10. Carbona Not Glue

CBGB - New York, NY (6/11/77)
11. Blitzkrieg Bop
12. Sheena Is A Punk Rocker
13. Beat On The Brat
14. Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue
15. Rockaway Beach
16. Cretin Hop
17. Oh Oh I Love Her So
18. Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World

The Second Chance - Ann Arbor, MI (6/26/77)
19. Rockaway Beach
20. Carbona Not Glue

The Ivanhoe Theater - Chicago, IL (7/6/77)
21. Pinhead
22. Suzy Is A Headbanger

The Armadillo - Austin, TX (7/14/77)
23. Commando
24. I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
25. Now I Wanna Be A Good Boy
26. 53rd & 3rd
27. Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World

Liberty Hall - Houston, TX (7/15/77)
28. Loudmouth
29. I Remember You
30. Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment

Liberty Hall - Houston, TX (7/16/77)
31. Oh Oh I Love Her So
32. Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World

Don Kirshner's Rock Concert - L.A., CA (8/9/77)
33. Loudmouth
34. Judy Is A Punk
35. Glad To See You Go
36. Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment

The Camera Mart Stages - New York, NY (9/3/77)
37. Swallow My Pride
38. Pinhead
39. Sheena Is A Punk Rocker

It's Alive, The Rainbow Theatre - London (12/31/77)
40. Blitzkrieg Bop
41. I Wanna Be Well
42. Glad To See You Go
43. You're Gonna Kill That Girl
44. Commando
45. Havana Affair
46. Cretin Hop
47. Listen To My Heart
48. I Don't Wanna Walk Around With You
49. Pinhead
50. Do You Wanna Dance?
51. Now I Wanna Be A Good Boy
52. Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue
53. We're A Happy Family

Disc 2

Musikladen - Bremen, Germany (9/13/78)
1. Rockaway Beach
2. Teenage Lobotomy
3. Blitzkrieg Bop
4. Don't Come Close
5. I Don't Care
6. She's The One
7. Sheena Is A Punk Rocker
8. Cretin Hop
9. Listen To My Heart
10. I Don't Wanna Walk Around With You
11. Pinhead

The Old Grey Whistle Test - London (9/19/78)
12. Don't Come Close
13. She's The One
14. Go Mental

Top of the Pops - London (9/28/78)
15. Don't Come Close

Oakland, CA (12/28/78)
16. I'm Against It
17. Needles And Pins

San Francisco Civic Center, S.F., CA (6/9/79)
18. I Want You Around
19. I'm Affected
20. California Sun

The Old Grey Whistle Test - London (1/15/80)
21. Rock 'N' Roll High School
22. Do You Remember Rock 'N' Roll Radio?

Top of the Pops - London (1/31/80)
23. Baby I Love You

Sha Na Na - L.A., CA (5/19/80)
24. Rock 'N' Roll High School

Mandagsborsen - Stockholm, Sweden (10/26/81)
25. We Want The Airwaves

TVE Musical Express - Madrid, Spain (11/17/81)
26. This Business Is Killing Me
27. All Quiet On The Eastern Front

US Festival - San Bernardino, CA (9/3/82)
28. Do You Remember Rock 'N' Roll Radio?
29. Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment
30. Rock 'N' Roll High School
31. I Wanna Be Sedated
32. Beat On The Brat
33. The KKK Took My Baby Away
34. Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
35. Chinese Rocks
36. Teenage Lobotomy

The Old Grey Whistle Test - London (2/26/85)
37. Wart Hog
38. Chasing The Night

Obras Sanitarias, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2/3/87) 39. Blitzkrieg Bop
40. Freak Of Nature
41. Crummy Stuff
42. Love Kills
43. I Don't Care
44. Too Tough To Die
45. Mama's Boy

Provinssirock Festival, Seinajoki, Finland (6/4/88)
46. I Don't Want You Anymore
47. Weasel Face
48. Garden Of Serenity
49. I Just Want To Have Something To Do
50. Surfin' Bird
51. Cretin Hop
52. Somebody Put Something In My Drink
53. We're A Happy Family

R.I.T., Rochester, NY (10/8/88)
54. Do You Remember Rock 'N' Roll Radio
55. Wart Hog

Rolling Stone Club - Milan, Italy (3/16/92)
56. Psycho Therapy
57. I Believe In Miracles
58. I Wanna Live
59. My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes To Bitburg)
60. Pet Sematary
61. Animal Boy
62. Pinhead

Top of the Pops - London (6/29/95)
63. I Don't Wanna Grow Up

River Plate Stadium - Estadio Antonio V. Liverti - Buenos Aires, Argentina (3/16/96)
64. I Wanna Be Sedated
65. R.A.M.O.N.E.S.
66. Blitzkrieg Bop


Cifra - This Business Is Killing Me

Pleasant Dreams (1981)
Cifra por Aerson_@hotmail.com

( F# B   F# B ) x2

F# B
I'm sick to death I'm a nervous wreck 
This business is killing me You know
This business is killing me You know 
It's really killing me

F# B
I'm sick to death I'm a nervous wreck 
This business is killing me You know
This business is killing me You know 
It's really killing me, yeah

       E    F#     B   G# 
Oh-no oh-no oh-no Oh-no    

       E    F#     B   G# 
   Oh-no oh-no oh-no
       E    F#     B   G#  
Oh-no oh-no oh-no Oh-no    
        E                                 F#
   This business is killing me and so they say

F# B
Run around, run around, 
Love giving you The run around
It really makes you crazy

F# B                                                   F#
Run around, run around Love giving you the run around

       E    F#     B   G#  
Oh-no oh-no oh-no Oh-no    
       E    F#     B   G# 
   Oh-no oh-no oh-no
       E    F#     B   G#   
Oh-no oh-no oh-no Oh-no    
        E                                 F#    D#  G#
   This business is killing me and so they say, ay, ay,

      You work, you work You write all night
                                    E F# G#
      Until the early morning light na-na-na
      Can't please all the people All the time,
      all the people, all the time
      E               F#        G#
      But then they don't please me

( G#  E  Eb )
                                  G# E Eb
      Well I can't take it no more
      No, I can't take it no more

( G#  E  Eb ) x2

F# B
Run around, run around,
Love giving you The run around
It really makes you crazy

F# B
Run around, run around
Love giving you the run around

       E    F#     B   G#  
    Oh-no oh-no oh-no Oh-no    
       E    F#     B   G# 
    Oh-no oh-no oh-no
       E    F#     B   G#   
    Oh-no oh-no oh-no Oh-no    
         E                                 F#    D#  G#
    This business is killing me and so they say, ay, ay,

      You work, you work You write all night
                                   E F# G#
      Until the early morning light na-na-na
      Can't please all the people All the time,
      all the people, all the time
      E               F#        G#
      But then they don't please me

( G#  E  Eb )
                                  G# E Eb
      Well I can't take it no more
      No, I can't take it no more
      No, I can't take it no more
      No no no no
      No, I can't take it no more
      No, I can't take it no more
      No, I can't take                         no more


Cifra - You Can't Say Anything Nice

Too Tough To Die (1985)
Cifra por Aerson_@hotmail.com
(F5 C5) 2x

I'm walking away from you 
Don't want to be abused
Doberman eyes, eagle claws
And your snake body says it all 

You know your biggest problem
Is the way you comb your hair
And you see that it's too late now
Everybody's putting you down 

    F5         C5        D5
You can't say anything nice (Not willing to sacrifice)
Oh you can't say anything nice
You can't say anything nice (Not willing to sacrifice)
Oh you can't say anything (nice nice nice nice...)

(F5 C5) 2x

Absent minded like a zombie
I can't control myself with you
A give give give, a take take take
Babe I'm through, through with you
You know your biggest...

   You can't say...
(F5 C5 D5) 3x

   I'm walking away...
You know your biggest...

   You can't say...

F5 C5 F5


Cifra - You Didn't Mean Anything To Me

Pleasant Dreams (1981) 
Por Aerson_@hotmail.com 
C                         F   A                                                             
   You didn't mean anything to me                                                              
   F                         C   A                                                             
   You didn't mean anything to me                                                               
[ riff ]                                                                                       
D           E      A                                                                           
Skies were cloudy everyday                                                                     
Nothing wanted to grow                                                                         
We had our last chance                                                                          
D                 A                                                                            
I think I told you so                                                                          
D           E         A                                                                        
Every dinner was crummy                                                                        
Nothing was on T.V.                                                                            
I was ready to pack it up                                                                      
D                   A                                                                          
Our heads were so achey                                                                         
   F                        C    A                                                             
   You didn't mean anything to me                                                              
   C                        F    A                                                             
   You didn't mean anything to me                                                              
[ riff ]                                                                                       
We got to get away                                                                             
Another lawn to mow                                                                            
We had our last chance                                                                         
I think I told you so                                                                          
Ever dinner was crummy                                                                         
Even the ones for free                                                                         
I was ready to pack it up                                                                      
Forget the agony                                                                               
   F                        C    A                                                             
   You didn't mean anything to me                                                              
   C                        F    A                                                             
   You didn't mean anything to me                                                              
[ riff ]                                                                                       
Everybody was cranky                                                                           
Even the maids were mean                                                                       
We ran into a miracle                                                                          
There was beer in the soda machine                                                             
Every dinner was crummy                                                                        
Even the ones for free                                                                         
I was ready to pack it up                                                                      
Forget the agony                                                                               

[ D E   A B A ] x3

   F                        C    A                                                             
   You didn't mean anything to me                                                              
   C                        F    A                                                             
   You didn't mean anything to me                                                              

   You didn't mean anything to me                                                              
   You didn't mean anything to me                                                              
   You didn't mean anything to me                                                              
   You didn't mean anything to me                                                              

[ riff A ] x4                                                                                                                                                                          


Cifra - Please Don't Leave

End Of The Century (Demo)
Por Aerson_@hotmail.com 
Intro: [ F Dm ] 2x

 F                      Dm
 You say you're gonna leave               |
 F                      Dm                |
 You say you're gonna leave me baby, baby |
 F                      Dm                | 2X
 Don't say you're gonna leave leave me    |
      Bb            C           F         |
 I'm beggin', i'm beggin' you please      |

(N.C) Drums

  F  Bb               Dm  C
(4X)    You're gonna leave
  Bb         C           F
        I'm beggin' you please

(N.C) Drums

(F)                    (D)
Honey, give me one more chance
To change your mind
'Cause if you leave me now
I'm gonna lose my mind

(Repete primeira parte)

  F  Bb               Dm  C
(4X)    You're gonna leave
  Bb         C           F
        I'm beggin' you please
                F    D    F (16 tempos)
        Please, Please...